"I Work Out"

09/09/2012 23:40

DAYUMMIZZUM, you went to the gym today? You had to tweet it AND instagram a body shot of yourself? I mean thats cool, but why are informing other people that you "worked out". I personally think it just comes down to what your "tes·tos·ter·one" levels are or what you think will get you laid in more simple terms. Shit, i go to the gym, but i usually just tweet about people that go to planet fitness for free pizza day, or as we would like to call them "cave-dwellers". I mean if you are trying to get laid, why not tell them what youve accomplished in life, besides going to the gym taking a mirror pic and flexing that 6 pack you were born with. This goes for girls too, you swagged out in "yoga pants" at the gym, so some dude could stare at your ass why your on the eliptical, ive seen this on multiple occassions. Asses are only good naked, mainly because yoga pants show the potential of the ass before you see her naked. And girls with big pillows usually have them because they are fat. So when you go to the gym go to better yourself, not for a like on instagram.